This is default featured slide 1 title

Easy to customize it, from your blogger dashboard, not needed to know the codes etc. Video tutorial is available, also a support forum which will help to install template correctly.

This is default featured slide 2 title

Easy to customize it, from your blogger dashboard, not needed to know the codes etc. Video tutorial is available, also a support forum which will help to install template correctly.

This is default featured slide 3 title

Easy to customize it, from your blogger dashboard, not needed to know the codes etc. Video tutorial is available, also a support forum which will help to install template correctly.

This is default featured slide 4 title

Easy to customize it, from your blogger dashboard, not needed to know the codes etc. Video tutorial is available, also a support forum which will help to install template correctly.

This is default featured slide 5 title

Easy to customize it, from your blogger dashboard, not needed to know the codes etc. Video tutorial is available, also a support forum which will help to install template correctly.

Sabtu, Februari 01, 2014

Es Blewah Jeruk

1/2 buah blewah
200 ml sirup jeruk
200 ml air
Es batu secukupnya

Cara membuat:
1. Keruk blewah, masukkan ke dalam mangkuk.
2. Beri sirup jeruk dan air, aduk hingga rata.
3. Masukkan blewah dan sirup ke dalam gelas saji, tambahkan es batu. Sajikan segera.

Hasil: 2 porsi

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