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Easy to customize it, from your blogger dashboard, not needed to know the codes etc. Video tutorial is available, also a support forum which will help to install template correctly.

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Easy to customize it, from your blogger dashboard, not needed to know the codes etc. Video tutorial is available, also a support forum which will help to install template correctly.

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Easy to customize it, from your blogger dashboard, not needed to know the codes etc. Video tutorial is available, also a support forum which will help to install template correctly.

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Easy to customize it, from your blogger dashboard, not needed to know the codes etc. Video tutorial is available, also a support forum which will help to install template correctly.

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Easy to customize it, from your blogger dashboard, not needed to know the codes etc. Video tutorial is available, also a support forum which will help to install template correctly.

Sabtu, September 19, 2015


  • 500 gr ketan putih
  • 300 gr gula merah
  • 2 sdm gula pasir
  • 250 ml santan dari 1 butir kelapa
  • 6 lbr daun jeruk
  • 2 lbr daun pandan
  • 1/4 sdt garam

  1. Ketan putih rendam dalam air selama 2 jam.
  2. Kukus beras ketan dalam dandang panas selama 30 menit.
  3. Setelah setengah matang, angkat.
  4. Jerang 200 ml air hingga mendidih, masukkan ketan.
  5. Aduk hingga air habis meresap ke dalam ketan, angkat.
  6. Jerang santan, gula merah, gula pasir, daun jeruk, daun pandan, hingga mendidih dan kental.
  7. Masukkan ketan kukus.
  8. Masak hingga santan habis terserap ketan dan agak kering. Angkat.
  9. Tuang dalam loyang, ratakan sambil agak ditekan. Dinginkan.
  10. Potong-potong bentuk wajik sebesar 2 1/2 cm. Sajikan.
Untuk 20 potong  

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