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Easy to customize it, from your blogger dashboard, not needed to know the codes etc. Video tutorial is available, also a support forum which will help to install template correctly.

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Easy to customize it, from your blogger dashboard, not needed to know the codes etc. Video tutorial is available, also a support forum which will help to install template correctly.

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Easy to customize it, from your blogger dashboard, not needed to know the codes etc. Video tutorial is available, also a support forum which will help to install template correctly.

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Easy to customize it, from your blogger dashboard, not needed to know the codes etc. Video tutorial is available, also a support forum which will help to install template correctly.

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Easy to customize it, from your blogger dashboard, not needed to know the codes etc. Video tutorial is available, also a support forum which will help to install template correctly.

Jumat, Juli 26, 2013


Cara Membuat Botok Jamur

botok jamur 2
Bahan:300 gr Jamur, suir2 dan cuci bersih
½ kelapa muda sedang, parut dan remas2
50 gr daun bawang, iris – iris
Daun pisang untuk membungkus
Bumbu;½ sdt ketumbar
4 buah cabe rawit
2 buah cabe merah besar
3 buah bawang merah
2 siung bawang putih
3 buah tomat hijau, iris menjadi 6 bagian
½ sdt gula pasir
Garam secukupnya
6 sendok air
Cara Membuat:
  1. Haluskan semua bumbu kecuali tomat
  2. Campurkan parutan kelapa dengan bumbu halus
  3. Masukkan jamur, tomat iris, daun bawang dan beri sedikit air lalu aduk2 hingga rata
  4. Bungkus dengan daun
  5. Kukus ± 30 menit
  6. angkat dan siap di hidangkan

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