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Easy to customize it, from your blogger dashboard, not needed to know the codes etc. Video tutorial is available, also a support forum which will help to install template correctly.

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Easy to customize it, from your blogger dashboard, not needed to know the codes etc. Video tutorial is available, also a support forum which will help to install template correctly.

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Easy to customize it, from your blogger dashboard, not needed to know the codes etc. Video tutorial is available, also a support forum which will help to install template correctly.

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Easy to customize it, from your blogger dashboard, not needed to know the codes etc. Video tutorial is available, also a support forum which will help to install template correctly.

This is default featured slide 5 title

Easy to customize it, from your blogger dashboard, not needed to know the codes etc. Video tutorial is available, also a support forum which will help to install template correctly.

Jumat, Juli 26, 2013



Bahan Resep Cara Membuat Omelet 
  • 4 butir telur ayam 
  • 2 buah kentang
  • 4 sdm Bawang bombay 
  • 4 sdm peterseli
  • Paprika merah
  • Garam secukupnya 
  • Minyak zaitun secukupnya
Pertama-tama 2 buah kentang, kupas dan potong berbentuk balok tipis 4 sdm bawang bombay cincang 4 sdm irisan halus peterseli 1/2 bagian paprika merah, potong kotak kecil Garam secukupnya Minyak zaitun secukupnya

Proses Pembuatan Resep Cara Membuat Omelet 

  • Pada wajan yang telah diberi sedikit minyak zaitun, goreng kentang hingga semua bagian matang. Angkat dan bisa Anda tepuk-tepung dengan tisu untuk menyerap minyak pada kentang.
  • Kocok lepas telur, masukkan kentang goreng, peterseli, garam dan paprika. Aduk hingga rata.
  • Tumis bawang bombay hingga harum menggunakan wajan omelet.
  • Jika bawang bombay telah harum, kecilkan api dan tuang adonan telur ke dalam wajan. Masak hingga omelet matang di bagian bawah hingga tengah.
  • Anda bisa membalik omelet dan melanjutkan memasak hingga semua bagian matang.
  • Letakkan omelet di atas piring dan potong menjadi beberapa bagian. Hidangkan selagi hangat.

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